Resettlement & Rehabilitation
- Program Management Consultancy, Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, Package No. MPUSIP- PMC 01, Program Management Unit, Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited, Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, Government of Madhya Pradesh/Asian Development Bank, September, 2016 - Ongoing
- Program Management and Monitoring Consultants (PMMC) for the North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program, Tranche-3 for Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India (Loan No. 3337-IND), Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India/Asian Development Bank (ADB), May, 2017- December, 2019
- Program Management and Monitoring Consultants (PMMC) for the North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme, MFF 0030 – North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program (Phase – III) for Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India/ADB, Feb. 2015 - Feb. 2017
- Program Management and Monitoring Consultants (PMMC) for the North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme, MFF 0030 – North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program (Phase – II) for Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India/ADB, Feb., 2013 – 2015
- Program Management and Monitoring Consultants (PMMC) for the North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme,– North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program (Phase-I) for Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Feb.,2011 – 2013
- Preparation of Complete DPR of Sewerage, Non Sewerage Schemes including preparation of Feasibility Reports (FRs) and City Sanitation Plan – Package-III for Uttarakhand Vikas Evam Nirman Nigam, Government of Uttarakhand, 2012 -2013
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Availability of Independent Consultant for the assignment - Engagement as Independent External Monitor for Jammu & Kashmir Urban Sector Development Investment Programme for Jammu & Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency (ERA), 2014- 2015.
- The World Bank/ Asian Development Bank funded Gujarat Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project - Preparation of Draft Development Plan, / Gujarat Urban Development Company Limited
- The World Bank funded Establishment of Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management (GIDM) for Providing Training and Education for Effective Disaster Responses, 2004.
- Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)), Government of Andhra Pradesh, 1999 - 2003.
- DFID funded Independent Consultants for Operation & Maintenance (O&M) component under Design and Construction Supervision of widening of the existing 2-lanes, to 6-lanes divided carriageway facility including rehabilitation of existing 2-lanes on Jaipur-Kishangarh section of NH-8 on BOT basis for National Highway Authority of India, 2002-2003
- The World Bank funded Development of long term Hazard Planning Management and Vulnerability Reduction Action Plan in Respect of Earthquakes in Andhra Pradesh, 2002
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Town Planning Consultancy Services; Preparation of Draft Development Plan for Bhuj in Gujarat, Gujarat Urban Development Company Limited, 2001.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) TA 3664-IND: Capacity Building for Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project for Gujarat Urban Development Company Limited, with Babti Group Ltd. of UK, 2001-2004.
- Norwegian Aid funded Assessment of Damage Caused by the Cyclone and Suggestions for Possible Rehabilitation of Fishing Community in Coastal Orissa, 2000.
- The World Bank funded Andhra Pradesh Cyclone Hazard Mitigation Project (Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)), Government of Andhra Pradesh, 1999 - 2003.
- European Union (EU) funded Gujarat Cyclone Project: Resettlement and Rehabilitation and Project Document, Government of Gujarat, 1999.
- Gujarat Cyclone Project: Preparation of Document for International Funding for Preparation of Long-Term Disaster Preparedness & Hazard Mitigation Plans for Government of Gujarat, 1999.
- Asian Development Bank funded Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake Rehabilitation Project (MEERP): Planning, Coordination and Implementation Consultancy, 1994- 1998.
- European Economic Community (EEC) funded Cyclone Project in India, 1994.
- The World Bank funded Study of Institutional and Training Aspects of Animal Husbandry and Livestock sector in the Country.