European Commission (EC) European Union (EU) European Economic Community (EEC)
- European Commission (EC) funded Technical Assistance for the Identification Mission II – EC Partnership Programme with Rajasthan, association with Arcadis BMW BV, 2005.
- European Commission (EC) funded Formulation Missions - State Partnership Programmes with Chattisgarh and Rajasthan, associate with Arcadis BMW BV, 2005.
- European Union (EU) funded Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Tribal Empowerment Project (STEP) EU Contract No: IND / B7 – 3000 / 98 / 0174 – 01, with CARE International UK, 2005.
- European Commission (EC) funded Assessment of Technical & Financial Quality of Project Proposal under the EV-India Small Projects Facility (SPF) Programme, 2004
- European Economic Community (EEC) funded Saline Land Reclamation Maharashtra Project (Phase I & II) for the Government of Maharashtra, 1999-2003
- European Union (EU) funded Gujarat Cyclone Project: Resettlement and Rehabilitation and Project Document, Government of Gujarat, 1999.
- European Economic Community (EEC) funded Cyclone Project in India, 1994